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Factors influencing the quality of family life in community: The example of Da-Chi Community
作者 曾煥裕
家庭是社會組成的最基本單位,個人自出生後就受到家庭的影響,家庭也是個人接受社會化的最早的來源,瞭解家庭成員如何評估其家庭生活品質與影響成員對家庭生活的滿意程度更是迫不容緩的工作。本研究以大直社區為主要研究對象,探討家庭成員對其家庭生活品質的滿意程度。研究以問卷的方式面對面訪問,樣本包括304位大直社區的居民,經過分析,受訪者之社會經濟地位的變項方面(如性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、職業、居住時間、家庭型態、家中平均月收入、住處之坪數等),並未發現與家庭生活品質滿意度有顯著相關。但是在「家人關係」部分,「與家人一起吃晚飯的次數」及「與家人發生口頭爭吵的次數」均與其家庭生活品質的滿意度有顯著相關。和家人一起吃晚飯的次數越頻繁及口頭爭吵次數越少的受訪者,對於其家庭生活的滿意度越高。在「家人互動」的項目上,與家人一間從事休閒活動越頻繁的受訪者,其家庭生活的滿意程度也越高。在「居住環境與資源分配」的項目上,覺得家中有充分金錢可以讓家人自由支配的受訪者,其家庭生活的滿意程度也越高;而自覺家中成員可以自由使用家中物品的受訪者,其家庭生活的滿意程度也較高。在「家庭生活品質評估」部分,「您滿意您和子女之間的關係嗎?」、「您對於您的居家環境,感到滿意嗎?」、與「您對於您家的經濟情況,感到滿意嗎?」等三項均與依變項達到顯著相關的程度。其中,「對於家中經濟情況的滿意程度」是所有達到顯著性自變項中強度最強者(B = 0.494)。顯見家庭經濟情況是決定整體家庭生活品質滿意程度的一個關鍵因素。
The family is the basic composition of society. Individuals are influenced heavily by family, as well as socialized through it. Therefore, it is essential to understand how individual members evaluate their family life. The study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the satisfaction of family life. Samples were drawn from the Da-Chi neighborhood community. Three hundred and four ( 304 ) cases were successfully recruited from 1,107 households. Each respondent was given the questionnaire by the interviewers. Results showed that many important factors in determining family life satisfaction reported by prior studies such as 'the relationship with spouses,' 'the religious preferences of other family members,' etc., were not significant in this study. However, in concordant with prior studies, 'the relationship with children,' 'the frequency of family members' interaction,' and 'the conflicts between family members' were found significant in affecting the satisfaction of family life. Finally, 'the feeling of family financial sufficiency' was the strongest factor in affecting family life satisfaction. Policy implications were also discussed.
起訖頁 63-123
關鍵詞 家庭生活品質家庭生活評估qualify of life,familycommunity
刊名 民生論叢  
期數 200905 (1期)
出版單位 實踐大學民生學院
該期刊-上一篇 台灣北部大學生飲食行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 學前教師對實施融合教育態度之探討




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