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Chinatown Redevelopment Plan in Tainan: The Third-Wave Gentrification and The Rescaled Competition State Regime
作者 簡博秀
The new research focus of gentrification were shifted to the public policy from social problem, and begin to reminder the important position of the state in the process of gentrification. This new transformation was identified as a third wave of gentrification. In fact, this positive gentrification, mainly triggered by the state, through the large-scale urban redevelopment project, acknowledge the implication of restructuring urban industry, improving the live quality, creating the investment opportunity, and prompting the city competitiveness. Specially, the uniqueness of state in the globalization competition was emphasized by the theorization of spatial reproduced. This emphasis of supporting the fully competence of state to manage the different scale was achieved by the continuity of spatial rescaling, was accepted, and agreed that the state play a dominating role of capital accumulation. This research tried to build up the theoretical articulation of between gentrification and rescaling, and to support the positive role of state in creating a new urban space through the process of state rescaling, under globalization. Unser this theoretical framework, the gentrification undoubtedly regarded as a strategy of state rescaling. The urban renew plan of China Town in Tainan, actively prompting by the Tainan city government recently, was taken as an example to explain this theoretical implication.
起訖頁 63-92
關鍵詞 仕紳化國家都市(再)開發計畫再層域競爭的國家政權和臺南中國城都市更新計畫GentrificationUrban (re) Development Project (UDP)Rescaled Competition State Regime (RCSR) and Chinatown Redevelopment Plan
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201503 (6:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-上一篇 低碳城市建設中社區居民參與的現狀與影響因素的分析──以中國大陸青島市城陽區為例




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