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City as A Field of Translation Politics: A Theoretical Exploration
作者 王志弘
This article tries to initiate a new perspective on urban theory by bringing it into a dialogue with translation theory, and thereby takes the heterogeneous reality and ethic concerns within a city into account. Cultural expression, social exchange, and metabolism are the three aspects which will be analyzed in this research to build the connection between these two theories. Taking this as a foundation, this article then begins a discussion on the qualities of translation field within a city focusing on three aspects: 1) A city is a field where symbolized concepts of manifold and heterogeneous quality and communication of information are translated between each other; 2) A city is a field where multiple structuralized interactions and routine activities are converted; 3) A city is a field where multiple heterogeneous materials mediated by technologies and the circulation of energy are transmuted. Translation here goes beyond semantics to suggest exchange, bridging, and conversion. It indicates that different yet relatively independent systems can work properly by cooperatively combining together, in which new possibility might be triggered. However, the exchange, bridging, and conversion might also fail and turns out to cause bias, distortion, and conflicts.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 場域翻譯政治翻譯理論都市理論行動者網絡理論fieldtranslation politicstranslation theoryurban theoryactor-network theory
刊名 城市學學刊  
期數 201503 (6:1期)
出版單位 高雄市立空中大學研究處
該期刊-下一篇 低碳城市建設中社區居民參與的現狀與影響因素的分析──以中國大陸青島市城陽區為例




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