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中華民國風濕病雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Ulcerative Colitis Associated with Polymyositis, Polyarthritis, and Hepatitis: Response to Partial Colectomy
作者 陳英州許家彰 (Chia-Chang Hsu)
Ulcerative colitis is a multisystemic disease associated with many extraintestinal manifestations. These various disease states can be diagnosed before, concomitant with, or after the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. Musculoskeletal involvement is rare, and only a few cases have been reported. We report a 56-year-old man, who had migratory polyarthritis for a half year, and who presented with fever, a flare-up of polyarthritis, proximal muscle weakness, and bloody stool. Ulcerative colitis, polymyositis, polyarthritis, and hepatitis were confirmed by clinical and histological evidence. The patient was refractory to high-dose corticosteroid therapy, and complicated with colon perforation. Joint pain and muscle power improved after partial colectomy, which indicated that the activity of the musculoskeletal disease paralleled that of the bowel disease. The cross-reactive peptide between the colon epithelium and the chondrocytes may provide the basis for the arthritis in ulcerative colitis. The combination of these disease entities is rare and an autoimmune link between them is likely.
起訖頁 63-70
關鍵詞 潰瘍性結腸炎多發性肌炎肝炎腸切除ulcerative colitispolymyositisarthritis and hepatitis
刊名 中華民國風濕病雜誌  
期數 200308 (17:1、2期)
出版單位 中華民國風濕病醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 The Genetic Basis of SLE
該期刊-下一篇 擬似木村氏為之周邊T細胞淋巴瘤




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