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Analysis of Northern Song Dynasty Surviving Minister Yuwen Xuzhong and Liberal Art in Mohism
作者 蕭宏恩
通識或博雅教育在臺灣大專院校實施已有多年,而其思想之根基及實踐之思維仍在於西方由希臘“Liberal Art”之傳統。時至今日,仍處處滯礙而難以開展!更為嚴重的是,一直以來,「專業」與「通識」教育勢成二分且對立之態勢,涇渭分明,仍難見其消融之勢!難道中國傳統沒有所謂通識或博雅教育嗎?或是應該這麼說,中國傳統歷來的教育不就是今之所言之通識或博雅教育嗎?筆者以為,最能與當今通識或博雅教育理念相契合的中國傳統學問中,實以墨子之學為根基的墨家(或更好說「墨者團體」)的教育或學習。本文即企由墨學及墨者團體的教育與西方通識或博雅教育的對比,希冀建構適合於本土的通識或博雅教育之思想之根基及實踐之思維。
General Education has been brought into practice in universities in Taiwan for many years. The basic thoughts and practice of general education still stem from the tradition of Greek “Liberal Art.” Up to now, general education in Taiwan is still hard to be put into effect. What’s worse, there has been a dichotomy between “professional education” and “general education” since always, which is still entirely different nowadays. It’s a question—“Is there no general education or liberal art in Chinese tradition?” We may think “Isn’t Chinese traditional education just nowadays general education or liberal art?” According to the researcher, the ways of education and study based on Chinese traditional Mohism meets the most closely with nowaday general education. This article attempts to construct the general education, whose basic thoughts and practice are suitable for Taiwan, by the contrast between the ways of education based on Mohism and western liberal art, in order to concretize the framework of general education.
起訖頁 45-61
關鍵詞 墨學通識(博雅)教育MohismGeneral Education (Liberal Arts)
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201512 (21期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論許達然散文的作品精神與藝術風格
該期刊-下一篇 入境、過境、出境?──葉石濤、章緣小說中的臺灣女舞者及其舞臺追尋




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