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Explore the 'Xingyi' how it was defined in the 'Book of Songs', cite examples, and discusses its impact
作者 林葉連
“Feng, Ya, Song, Fu, Bi, Xing”, known as 'six- Yis' of the Book of Songs . “Feng, Ya, Song ”are three different genres of poetry, “Fu, Bi, Xing ”are three different writing methods. According to the study made by Professor Zhang Songru , “Shangsong” is indeed produced in the Shang period. Zhang’s theory can prove the source of 'Book of Songs' is very old. However, despite many ancient scholars give 'Book of Songs' great attention and research, the modern definition of ' six- Yis ' but not necessarily have been a correct perception. About the definition of 'Fu, Bi ,Xing', modern scholars citing Song Dynasty Zhu Xi’s proposition, But Zhu Xi didn’t know the value of Shi Xu , and even claimed that Shi Xu should be destroyed. This is a devastating proposition, not only affect his assessment about the property of the 'Book of Songs', but also affected his assessment of the definition of Xing. Qing Dynasty scholar in the 'Book of Songs' aspect has a huge contribution, there are four of the most famous scholars ── Chen Qi-Yuan, Hu Cheng-kung, Ma Rui-Chen, Chen Huan, they agreed that Zhu Xi 'repeal Shi Xu ' was wrong. This conclusion, would be sufficient to correct the misunderstanding caused by Zhu Xi since the Song Dynasty, However, people today still do not check, stumbled citing Zhu Xi's proposition to explain 'Xing'. About the definition of ' Xing ' ,in the current academic as well as several well-known websites published statement, whether this already consistent with the original idea of the ancients? This issue needs to be explicitly clarified, so this paper was to explore this old problem, expect to arrive at a more credible answer.
起訖頁 35-72
關鍵詞 興義比興詩經XingXingyiBi Xingthe Book of Songs
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201506 (20期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 海峽兩岸國小識字教學綱領探析
該期刊-下一篇 吳語亭閩渝臺時期古典詩創作心靈之探析




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