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Syncretism or Synthesis?: A Critical Review on the Comparative Research of The Lüshichunqiu and the Xunzi
作者 佐藤將之
This article is a critical review of major research by Chinese and Japanese scholars on the thought of the Lüshichunqiu and its possible influential relationship with that of the Xunzi. Traditionally, the thought of Lüshichunqiu has been long regarded as “syncretic”, modern studies have modified such observation by means of discovering rather synthetic characteristics in it. This article advances this direction by focusing upon some key concepts such as “gong 公” (fairness) and “li 理” (principle and reasonableness). These stand out as key elements that enable the system of thought in the Lüshichunqiu attain its philosophical unity. Meanwhile, this article also discusses a major issue on the comparative research on the relationship of thought between the Lüshichunqiu and the Xunzi. Most past studies have only paid attention to the one-way influence from the Xunzi to the Lüshichunqiu. On this issue, this article presents an alternative viewpoint: the common elements in the thought of the two works seemed to have originated from intellectual activities of the Jixia 稷下 scholars such as Zou Yan 鄒衍and Shen Dao 慎到.
起訖頁 61-89
關鍵詞 《呂氏春秋》《荀子》稷下思想「公」「理」The LüshichunqiuThe XunziThe Jixia scholarsgong 公(fairness)li 理 (principle and reasonableness)
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201312 (17期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
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