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A Study of the Relationship of Earthquake to the Myth of Nu Wa Mending the Sky
作者 林登順
女媧補天的起因和神話情節原型的問題,這是學界長久以來常提起的命題,但在現有材料中,似已無法再有更深刻論述;但在這幾年間,世界各地都傳來重大的災難事件,尤其地震災害,造成人類生命重大的減損。而在2008 年5 月2 日智利南部沙伊頓火山爆發不久,中國四川汶川也在2008 年5 月12 日發生地震災難,看似不相干之地點,在地球儀上,卻是對角線的位置。讓人不免聯想八千年前是否也發生同樣是件,引發大地震。而女媧補天神話中之「天柱折、地維缺」以及山火、猛獸、浩洋、淫水、黑龍等情節,在地震資料中,都有相似可作為新思維的佐證。這也可說明女媧要補天的原因,乃是因地震及其引起之災害所致。透過這些資料的聯串,就可解釋「補天神話」,它應是先民們面對地震災害時,所作的形象思維。
Nu Wa mends the cause of it and question of the mythical plot prototype, this is the proposition that educational circles have often mentioned for a long time, but in existing material, like, already can't have, expound the fact deeply; But during these years, all the great disaster incident comes in all parts of the world, especially earthquake disaster, impairment causing the human life to be great. But shortly after the volcano eruption of Eton of sand of the south of Chile on May 2, 2008, the earthquake disaster will take place on May 12, 2008 in an Wenchuanen Sichuan of China, the seemingly irrelevant place, on the globe, but the position of the diagonal. It is likewise one to let people associate and happen too 8,000 years ago unavoidably, initiate the heavy earthquake. And it mend at Nu Wa day at mythology ' roll over Tianzhu, if you can't link, lack ' and mountain fire, beast of prey, oceans, water, Hei Longs excessive great,etc. plot, in the earthquake materials, all have a similar evidence that can be regarded as new thinking. This can also explain why Nu Wa wants to mend it, result from because the earthquake and calamity caused. Through the intersection of antithetical couplet and bunch of materials these, can explain, it should be at the earthquake disaster ahead of the people, thinking in image made.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 女媧神話地震形象思維Nu Wa MythEarthquakThinking in images
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201112 (13期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 沈兼士〈右文說在訓詁學上之沿革及其推闡〉析論




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