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The Study of Shen Jian-shi by “The Successive Changes and Explain of the Theory of the Sound Words at Right in Exegetics”
作者 王世豪
“The Theory of the Sound Words at Right”began in the Song Dynasty. Shen Jian-shi observed it by the develop of the history of the learning and established a system of exegetics method. He used the connection of the sound words of the Chinese words that combine meaning and sound to established the conception “word races”. By the relation of amplify, disintegrate and borrow in word races, tried to establish 「the Theory of the Sound Words at Right」into “the Theorem of the Sound Words at Right”. This essay analysis the study method of Shen Jian-shi by“The Successive Changes and Explain of the Theory of the Sound Words at Right in Exegetics” by the theory of exegetics and the history of the develop of the theory of methods. Besides, comment the contents of the value of established and the defects. By thinking of the Shen Jian-shi’s talk in the history of exegetics and observe the study of of the sound words at right, in order to consult by using the methods to verify the Chinese classical books. The methods are so called the study of Chinese written language and exegetics.
起訖頁 117-142
關鍵詞 《說文》形聲字右文說沈兼士訓詁研究法“Shuo Wen” phonetic compound character the theory of the sound words at right Shen Jian-shi exegetics
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201112 (13期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 蒙太奇論穆時英〈上海的狐步舞〉
該期刊-下一篇 女媧補天神話與地震關係探析




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