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Discuss about 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' practice word rhetoric art
作者 胡仲權
Leung.Liu Xie wear 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' one book, not only have it the notable contribution theoretically in the literature, practice an art in the rhetoric in the meantime, top also have an outstanding performance, predecessors to 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' of the research is laid particular emphasis on in the quest of theories content more, few practice the performance of art to take in to analyze quest to its rhetorics, the research of this aspect needs a development. The writing is the foundation of literature creations, practicing the word is the basic performance of rhetoric art. 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' wear to have 'Philology and choice of words' exclusively discuss the literalness Jian chooses and usage, not only criticized predecessors to choice of words it to lost, but also put forward practicing four principles of word rhetoric, it suffices to show Liu Xie extremely values rhetoric technique of practicing the word. In light of predecessors to Liu Xie 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' the rhetoric practice the shortage of research, this text fixs attention on in Liu Xie 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' the rhetoric of one book practice result, with 'Wen-Hsin-Diao-Long' whole books 50 contents for research object, it is practicing the word rhetoric fulfillment result of art to take in to analyze to announce to public its special features and value.
起訖頁 47-63
關鍵詞 劉勰文心雕龍練字修辭藝術修辭實踐Liu XieWen-Hsin-Diao-Longpractice of wordrhetoric artrhetoric practice
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200706 (4期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 袁枚的經學態度──對漢宋學的檢討
該期刊-下一篇 秦漢時期的終始論及其意義




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