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The Authors of Shijin Proposed by Sijia Shi Zhi Hui Gui(Collection of the Main Viewpoints of Four Schools of Shijing's Interpretation)
作者 林葉連
Even some authors of Shijing can be exactly named, most of the researchers disregarded them and concluded that 'most of the authors' name are lost'. It seems quite unfair to the ancient poets whose works had been selected. In Han dynasty, the scholars who belonged to four famous schools of the interpretation of Shijing:Qi, Lu, Han and Mao, had clearly identified many authors with the poems, especially Mao s' interpretation Mao Shixu. In Song dynasty, the scholars were remarkable of skepticism. For the worse, Zhu Xi mistook Wei Hong as the author of Mao Shixu and he insisted that the Shixu should be abandoned. Since then, the researchers of Shijing tended to ignore the author problem of the book. Nowadays many scholars have reached an agreement that Zhu Xi was wrong, and the importance of Shijing have been regained. It is worthy for us to revalue and develop the interpretation of Shijing which have been written from Han dynasty till today, and the historical positions of those who wrote the interpretations will expectably be reestablished. Wang Li-Qing s'Sijia shi zhi hui gui((Collection of the main viewpoints of four schools of Shijing s' interpretation) proposed reliable fruitage and valid resources not long age. He logically proved many evidences of the authors of Shijing to the researchers. Many names of the author and event in the ancient time are now re-polished. By this short paper I will make some introduction, discussion and revalue on Wang's work and some issues which were related to the authors of Shijing.
起訖頁 49-98
關鍵詞 詩經作者先秦詩人周朝詩人王禮卿the author of Shijingthe poets of pre-Qinthe poets of Zhou dynastyWang Li-Qing
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200606 (2期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 東漢三思想家對孝的批判與《荀子》的「孝」觀念關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 宋代史事易探究──以李光與楊萬里為核心的展開




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