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On Si Nianchu (四念處, catvari-smrty-upasthanani) in Early Tiantai Meditation─ A Comparative Study of Huisi's Zhufa wuzheng sanme famen and the Texts quoted by Huisi
作者 王晴薇
「四念處」為梵語 catvari-smrty-upasthanani 之漢譯名稱,此一修法之其他漢譯譯名為:四念住、四意止、四止念、四念、或身受心法。「四念處」修法指將心念集中於身、受、心、法四個所緣,來捨離煩惱之禪修法門。本文透過《中阿含》第 98 經(《念處經》)、南傳《大念處經》、《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》〈廣乘品第十九〉亦即〈四念處品〉、《大智度論》〈釋四念處品第十九〉來與慧思《諸法無諍三昧法門》進行比較研究,期能釐清「早期天台祖師如何在他們的著作中理解和承接「四念處」?」及「佛教在傳入中國之後,中國佛教修行者所接觸到之大乘經論中,對「四念處」之討論及發揮為何?」等問題,並期能為早期中國佛教禪修之本質之解析,提出一些新的觀點。
Si Nianchu (四念處) is the Chinese translation of catvari-smrty-upasthanani, the Sanskrit term meaning 'Four Mindfulness' or 'the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.' Other Chinese renditions of this term include Si Nianzhu (四念住), Si Yizhi (四意止), Si Zhinian(四止念), Sinian (四念) or Shenshou xinfa(身受心法). Si Nianchu refers to the concentration of mind on four objects: the body, perception, thoughts, and dharma. In this paper, I will try to depict how the Si Nianchu was understood in China from the late Fourth century to early Sixth century through a comparative reading of several sutras, one waastra and a Tiantai treatise dealing with the topic of Four Mindfulness. The texts chosen for this comparative reading include the 98th sutra or Nianchu Jing (念處經) in the Chung Ahan Jing (中阿含 the Chinese translation of Madhyamagama), a modern Chinese translation of the Pali Maha-satipatthana-sutta (Digha-Nikaya, No. 22), chapter 19 of Kumarjiva's Pabcavijwatisahasrika, the scroll 48 of the translation of the Mahaprajbaparamitawaastra by Kumarjiva, and Huisi's Zhufa wuzheng sanmei famen (Taisho Vol. 46, No. 1923). The questions that I had in mind while reading these texts comparatively are: (1.) How was the 'Four Mindfulness' rendered and understood by ChineseBuddhists, in from the 4th to 6th century? How did Tiantai master Huisi understood it? (2.) How did Huisi elaborate the 'Four Mindfulness' in his own work? It is hoped that through an investigation of these texts, and my attempt to answer the above questions, a new perspective can be provided for the understanding of the nature of Buddhist meditation in early Chinese Buddhism.
起訖頁 19-38
關鍵詞 四念處《念處經》慧思《諸法無諍三昧》Si Nianchu (Four Mindfulness)HuisiZhufa wuzheng sanmei
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 200606 (2期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-下一篇 東漢三思想家對孝的批判與《荀子》的「孝」觀念關係之研究




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