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A Philological Study of Four Characters of “Zhao Wang Yu Gong Zhi Zhun”
作者 趙苑夙
本論文對《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(四)》〈昭王與龔之𦞠〉提出四點考釋意見:其一,簡6「介趣」當讀為「介趨」,「介」訓「近」,「趨」訓「歸附」,「介趨」意指龔之𦞠隨侍在昭王身側且忠心歸附。其二,簡7「 」字當隸為「裑」讀為「紝」,「紝袍」即絲質的袍衣。其三,簡9「 」字當隸為「 」讀為「訧」,「罪」、「過」之意。其四,簡10「𢝊」字可讀為「擾」訓為「撫恤」,或讀為「憂」訓「優遇」。
This article provides explanations of troublesome or hard to identify words found in “Zhao Wang Yu Gong Zhi Zhun” which was published in Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period Collected in Shanghai Museum, vol. 7. First of all, the phrase “Jie Cu (介趣)” on slip number 6 should be read as “Jie Cu (介趨)”. “Jie (介)” means “near” and “Cu (趨)” means “allegiance”. “Jie Cu (介趨)” means Gong Zhi Zhun followed the King and Gong Zhi Zhun was very loyal to the king. Second, the character “ ” on slip number 7 should be read as “Ren (紝)”, and “Ren Pao (紝袍)” means “silk underclothes”. Third, the character “ ” on slip number 9 should be read as “You (訧)” and should be understood as “mistake”. Fourth, the character “You (𢝊)” on slip number 10 should be read as “Rao (擾)” or “You (優)”, and means “pacify” or “give special treatment”.
起訖頁 185-212
關鍵詞 昭王與龔之𦞠楚簡戰國文字字詞考釋Zhao Wang Yu Gong Zhi ZhunChu Bamboo SlipsWarring States Writinginterpreting and explaining words and phrases
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201404 (57期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 語用學的應用――以錢鍾書《圍城》的對話為例




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