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Use of Pragmatics: A Study on Qian Zhongshu’s Fortress Besieged
作者 譚志明
本文以語言學中的語用學理論作小說文本的對話研究,提供了另一種解讀小說的特殊視角。論文以語用學理論的應用為主,並以錢鍾書小說《圍城》為例。論文先探討《圍城》中對話的特點,並從語用學的語境展開探索,展示語境的理論如何用於對話的分析之上。最後以奧斯丁(J. L. Austin)的言語行為理論,闡釋對話如何在《圍城》中發揮力量,改變人物角色的行為,造成情節的發展和逆轉。本文把語用學與文學研究結合,利用語言學理論的系統性,更具體和有效地分析文學作品。通過運用語用學的理論,本文呈現出《圍城》的對話如何匠心獨運,作者如何運用語境和話語的力量,同時示範了如何把語用學的理論,實際而有效地運用到文學批評之上。
In this paper, the theories of pragmatics will be applied to analysis of literary text. There are large number of theories can be adopted in literary studies. This paper will try to use the theories of context and the speech-act theory of J. L. Austin to discuss the dialogues of Qian Zhongshu’s famous novel Fortress Besieged. It begins with the analysis of the functions of dialogues in Fortress Besieged. And then, the theories of context will be used in the study of dialogues, in order to explain the effect of dialogues in this novel. Finally, Austin’s speech-act theory will be used to explain how the dialogues can help the narration and depiction in Fortress Besieged. This paper aims to provide another viewpoint on studying novel and contribute on the study of applying pragmatic theory to the analysis of literary text.
起訖頁 153-183
關鍵詞 語用學錢鍾書《圍城》對話研究pragmaticsQian ZhongshuFortress Besiegedanalysis of dialogues
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201404 (57期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 遼代劉六符兄弟與遼宋外交
該期刊-下一篇 〈昭王與龔之𦞠〉考釋四則




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