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Li (Ritual and Social Norm) Invests a Ruler with Miraculous Virtue and Intelligence to Govern: A Comparative Study of Li between the Guanzi and the Xunzi Masayuki Sato 1 The Analysis of Xiong Shi-li’s Expatiation for “Confucian Scholar Practice” (儒行)
作者 佐藤將之
One of salient characteristics of Xunzi’s socio-political theory can be observed in its comprehensiveness. This article aims to elucidate such an aspect of Xunzi’s thought by means of analyzing a possible influential relationship between the Guanzi’s concept of li (i.e., ritual and social norm) and that in the Xunzi. This article analyzes a unique role of the concept of li in the argument of the “Lord and Minsters I” and “Lord and Minsters II” chapters. On this basis, this article attempts to demonstrate that the following three points: (1) In the Guanzi, the concept of li has become a certain level of abstract idea which can be almost equivalent to the idea of the Way or the Principle. (2) In the discussion about the mind/heart practice to govern a country, the author regards li as a practicable and one of the best methods for a ruler to attain ideal psychological state. (3) By means of adopting a state-body metaphor, the author of the “Lord and Minsters I” and “Lord and Minsters II” chapters argues that the proper implementation of li invests a country with its “life.” In this aspect, the function of li is conceived of as “miraculous” as we see in the providential work of the Heaven and Earth. It is this aspect that Xunzi has learnt from the Guanzi when he has articulated his theory of li, which is indispensable for the peace and order, namely the life, of a country.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 《管子》《荀子》〈君臣上〉〈君臣下〉「禮」GuanziXunzi“Lord and Minsters” ChapterLi and Yi (ritualssocial norms and morality)
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 201301 (53期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 在波詭雲譎的歷史中叩問人性──評王鼎鈞的《文學江湖》




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