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Interpreting Emblems, Emblems Interpreting: Love’s mortal battle in Maurice Scève’s Délie
作者 Brooke Donaldson (Brooke Donaldson)
Known primarily as the first example of love poetry in Renais-sance France, Maurice Scève’s Délie is also notable as the only work of French emblems as well as the only sixteenth-century work to incorporate emblems into an erudite work on love. The emblems have been the source of dispute among critics who agree neither on their nomenclature, on the logic behind their placement, nor on their symbolic function within the work. But the mere presence of the emblems teaches the reader how to approach the poetry. The Délie’s emblems depict the “renewed deaths” which Scève announces as the subject of his poetry and insist more emphatically upon the theme of death than do the poems. The alter-nation of emblems and poems reflects the poet’s love experience, torn between desires of the soul and those of the body and trapped in an exo-rable cycle between life and death. For just as Scève’s poetry combines such seemingly incompatible concepts as microcosm and macrocosm, pagan reminiscence and Christian conviction, classical allusion and medi-eval remnant, and Christian Platonism and artistic immortality, so too do the emblems which gloss the poems present an interpretation of those po-ems which contradicts or at the very least reinterprets the conclusions pre-sented by the poet. Thus, Scève’s multi-media (pictorial/verbal) presenta-tion of death as polysemous is paradigmatic of the tensions so character-istic of his poetry and of sixteenth-century literature in general. The po-ems and emblems may stand on their own, but the juxtaposition of their varied interpretations reveals how Scève combines mutually exclusive characterizations of death in a unified if antithetical presentation of Pet-rarchan oxymoronic love.
起訖頁 85-111
關鍵詞 莫理司‧賽佛《黛麗》圖詩(圖像)Maurice ScèveDélieEmblems
刊名 中央大學人文學報  
期數 200801 (33期)
出版單位 國立中央大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 巴特寫攝影:從《明室》讀《巴特寫巴特》
該期刊-下一篇 薩德侯爵小說中巴洛克風格的圖畫




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