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The Influence of Structural Stability on Dynamic New Tie Formation: A Local-Based Network Analytic Approach
作者 楊坤修吳齊殷趙義隆
In this study, we adopt a structural balance perspective to examine how the extent of structural stability influences a dynamic new tie formation based on a local-based network analytic approach. By comparing structures of alliance (economic relation) and friendship (social relation), this study yields two major findings. First, under the agreed-upon potential-structural-balance situation, a partner's partner (i.e., economic relation) and a friend's friend (i.e., social relation) have a higher probability of being new mutual partners and friends in the future than a partner's partner and a friend's friend in unbalanced situations. Second, under the conflicting potential-structural-balance situation, a competitor's competitor (economic relation) could be a new partner in the future. The possibility of being a new future partner in this situation, however, is not significantly higher than such a possibility in an unbalanced situation. In contrast, under the conflicting potential-structural- balance situation, an enemy's enemy (social relation) probably would not be a new friend in the future and there is no significant difference, in terms of possibility, between conflicting potential-structural-balanced and unbalanced situations. Last but not least, for comparing the difference between agreed-upon and conflicting potential-structural-balance cases, the possibility of a dynamic alliance formation in the agreed-upon potential-structure- balance situation is higher than that in a conflicting one, while the possibility of a difference between agreed-upon and conflicting situations for dynamic friendship formation is not found at all.
起訖頁 125-162
關鍵詞 結構平衡結構不平衡動態新關係形成結構穩定性structural balancestructural imbalancedynamic new tie formationstructural stability
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 高中生選組行為的原因與結果:性別、信念、教師角色與能力發展
該期刊-下一篇 剩餘價值或是不對等交換?幾點質疑




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