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Causes and Consequences of High School Curriculum- Track Selection: Gender, Belief, Teacher's Gender, and Cognitive Development
作者 陳婉琪
Among high-school students in Taiwan, the majority of those enrolling in the math- and natural-science-oriented curriculum track are boys. In contrast, girls are crowded in humanity-oriented programs, where mathematics courses are less rigorous. The persistent gender imbalance in high school programs did not receive adequate attention, however. Analyzing the core panel from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), this study investigates the causes and consequences of curriculum-track selection for high school students. There are four major findings. First, there was a significant positive effect of choosing 'natural science program' on basic achievement tests, controlling for previous test scores. The size of this 'natural science program effect' was about the same for both genders. Second, this 'natural science program effect' explained boys' more rapid cognitive development, compared with girls. Third, about one third of high-school students believed the statement that 'it would be better fit if boys choose to study natural science rather than girls.' Fourth, among 9th graders who believed the above statement, boys were more likely to choose 'natural science program' later at the senior-high-school stage and, in contrast, girls tended to choose the 'social science program,' controlling for previous test scores. Fifth, teacher's gender had an impact on student's choice. When girls had ever been taught by a female math teacher during junior high school, they were more likely to select the 'natural science program.' In contrast, when math teachers were predominantly male, boys were less likely to choose 'social science program.' The results suggest that the dual-track curriculum system in Taiwan's high schools may exploit students' opportunity for enhancing important problem-solving skills. In contexts where such belief ('natural science is a male domain') is prevalent, female students' development could be severely suppressed.
起訖頁 89-123
關鍵詞 高中選組能力發展性別刻板印象教師性別教育性別隔離high school curriculum trackcognitive developmentgender stereotypeteacher gendersex segregation
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201306 (25期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 權力的技術與技術的權力:台灣疫苗採用的歷程分析
該期刊-下一篇 結構穩定性對動態新關係形成之影響:局部結構的網絡分析方法




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