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The Process of Technology Introduction and the Result of Development: A Comparative Study of Taiwanese and Japanese TFT-LCD Manufacturers
作者 田畠真弓莊致嘉
台灣與日本都有從工業先進國家引進與學習液晶面板相關技術的歷史,但兩國引進技術的過程與學習技術之後的發展卻是截然不同的結果。日本的電子大廠從美國RCA引進液晶面板的實驗性技術之後,在企業內部的研發中心將它演化為隱性(tacit)的量產化技術,而台灣的液晶面板廠商從日本電子大廠引進TFT-LCD(thin film transistor liquid crystal display,薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)隱性的量產化技術,將它發展成大尺寸TFT-LCD 的標準化製造技術。我們從兩國的企業間關係與人才流動性的角度,試圖比較探討台灣與日本的技術引進及技術發展過程的差異,以及不同的發展結果。我們認為,台日比較分析的研究方法讓我們清楚地瞭解到日本電子大廠撤離大尺寸TFT-LCD市場,甚至不得不將全球液晶面板廠商龍頭的地位讓給台灣廠商,也就是「日本的沒落、台灣的崛起」的背景原因。
Taiwan and Japan introduced Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) manufacturing technologies from more advanced countries. The process of technology introduction and the result of development of these two countries led to very different results, however. Japanese electronics giants introduced experimental technology from U.S. companies and developed tacit mass production technological knowledge in their R&D centers. Taiwanese Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) manufacturers introduced tacit technological knowledge from Japan, and transformed Japanese technology into explicit and standardized technological knowledge. We conducted a comparative study of the technological development process between Taiwanese LCD manufacturers and Japanese electronics giants in terms of inter-firm relationships and cross-national talent mobility. We believe that a comparative analysis between Taiwanese TFT-LCD industry and Japanese counterparts allows us to clarify how Japanese electronics giants withdrew from the large-size TFT-LCD global market and even were forced to give up the lead to Taiwanese companies in the global market share, more specifically, the background of and reason for 'the fall of Japan, the rise of Taiwan' in the TFT-LCD industry.
起訖頁 145-184
關鍵詞 技術引進與學習TFT-LCD產業企業關係人才流動台日比較technology introduction and learningTFT-LCD industryinterfirm relationshipstalent mobilitycomparative study of Taiwan and Japan
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201012 (20期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 台灣佛教的放生與不放生:宗教信念、動物風險與生態風險的考量
該期刊-下一篇 「現代性」入侵中的挫折、嵌合與選擇性適應:本期書評的四本新書對於當代台灣身體、情緒與宗教認同面向的結構性檢視




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