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To Do and Not to Do Animal Release in Taiwanese Buddhism: The Intertwining of Religious Ideas, Animal Risk, and Ecological Risk
作者 陳家倫
This paper attempts to clarify the reasons why certain Taiwanese Buddhist groups do animal release, whereas others do not. Based on the actors' viewpoints, this research tries to identify the religious ideas and to categorize the ways that the evaluation of animal risk and ecological risk in the events of animal release relate to the attitudes and behaviors of Taiwanese Buddhist groups. The results show that religious thoughts not only convey the ethics of animal release, but serve as antidotes to dissolve the paradox of animal release. The practices of animal release among Taiwanese Buddhist groups are also quite diversified. The reasons and ways of both doing and not doing animal release have various patterns that imply different religious assessments. Some releasers modified the ways of animal releasing with better control of animal risk and/or ecological risk. Some releasers maintain that ecological risk is manageable; some releasers treat ecological risk as an irrelevant or external issue to Buddhism. Although animal release could be a strategy to mobilize followers, religious ideas and interpretations are critical to the rationalization and justification of animal release.
起訖頁 101-143
關鍵詞 放生佛教宗教社會學宗教與生態業報觀animal releaseBuddhismsociology of religionenvironmental ethicskarma
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201012 (20期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 轉變病患行動能力佈署:以台灣透析病患團體行動為例
該期刊-下一篇 引進技術的過程和發展結果:比較台灣與日本液晶面板產業




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