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Governmentality and the Change of Regime: The Pao-chia System's Transformation after 1945
作者 姚人多
This paper investigates the governmentality in the change of regime. It focuses on the continuity and transformation of the Pao-chia system under the KMT regime, which came to Taiwan claiming its power and sovereignty after the end of Japanese colonization in 1945. It is an area that historians, sociologists, and political scientists in Taiwan have neglected. This paper is mainly driven by two puzzles. First, what is the KMT's attitude towards Pao-chia system, which without doubt is one of the most efficient governmental technologies in colonial history? Second, how can it be possible that the KMT as an emigree regime now enjoys such a solid power base in each and every locality in Taiwan? The argument in this paper is mainly divided into three parts. First, I introduce the Pao-chia system from the perspective of governmentality. Second, I deal with the continuity and discontinuity of the 'village/li' leaders between 1945 and 1951. Third, I discuss the effect of the KMT's political rationality on the village/li. This paper concludes that the KMT did not discover the strategic importance and governmental efficiency of the village/li system until 1953. After 1953, the KMT regime gradually transformed village/li from a system of social control, as in the Japanese colonial period, to a system of election mobilization.
起訖頁 47-108
關鍵詞 保甲制度村里政權轉移政治理性統治技藝Pao-chia Systemvillage/lichange of regimepolitical rationalitygovernmental technology
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 婉飾、慣習與神蹟創造:現代性下的神如何不死?
該期刊-下一篇 市場政治:中國出口導向製鞋產業的歷史形構與轉變




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