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Euphemism, Habitus, and the Production of Miracles: Why Won't God Die in Modernity?
作者 陳緯華 (Chen Wei-Hua)
In addition to 'apologetics,' are there any intrinsic mechanisms of religion that enable it to maintain the plausibility of gods under the challenge of secular reason? This article uses the production of miracles in Taiwan's folk religion as a case to undertake this discussion. A miracle involves the emergence of a particular interpretation of an event and the repression of other ones, and therefore it is about the social control of consciousness. This article considers miracles in the context of Durkheim's argument about 'how god is conceived as true' and as a problem of how religion produces 'misrecognition.' It then uses Bourdieu's concepts of 'field,' 'habitus,' and 'euphemism' to discuss how this 'misrecognition' is produced. The discussion proceeds within a diachronic framework by taking into account the consequences of modernity. This article also considers the issue of individuals' predicaments under the modern circumstance of pluralism. The case examined provides significant understanding of how people cope with this situation.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 婉飾慣習社會控制多元主義民間信仰euphemismhabitussocial controlpluralismfolk religion
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 政權轉移之治理性:戰後國民黨政權對日治時代保甲制度的承襲與轉化




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