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作者 陳東升陳端容
When individual political attitudes and notions of national identity indicate strong ethnic differentiation, political discussion networks that cross ethnic lines can exert a significant impact on political-social integration. The authors address three questions regarding this topic: a) What common tendencies can be identified in the formation of political discussion networks that cross ethnic lines? b) What respondent variables (e.g., inter-ethnic contact experience, inter-ethnic language fluency, inter-ethnic psychological makeup, inter-ethnic consciousness, and extent of political motivation) are associated with the formation of political discussions that cross ethnic lines? and c) To what extent do such respondent/dyadic variables as degree of relational closeness, heterogeneity of respondent-contact social backgrounds, and homogeneity of respondent-contact political preferences influence the formation of political discussion networks that cross ethnic lines. Data from a stratified representative sample in Taiwan indicate that such networks reflect inter-ethnic psychological makeups, intra-ethnic consciousness, and political motivation. Thus, the respondent/dyadic variables exert different effects on cross-ethnic political discussion network formation, with majority viewholders making greater effort to persuade friends from other ethnic backgrounds, and minority viewholders reinforcing their own political preferences. An additional factor discussed in this paper is ethnic stereotyping.
起訖頁 119-157
關鍵詞 政治網絡族群社會網絡分析社會資本political networksethnicitysocial network analysissocial capital
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200212 (4期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 認同衝突和政治信任:現階段台灣族群政治的核心難題
該期刊-下一篇 解除克勞塞維茲的魔咒:分析當前社會改革運動的困境




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