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作者 王甫昌
In light of increased ethnic consciousness in 1990s Taiwan, the importance of regional differences has gradually gained recognition in the ethnic relations literature. In examining the causes, patterns, and consequences of these regional differences, the author based on his re-evaluation of the theoretical implications of ethnic consciousness-suggests that it should be measured in terms of 'perceptions of ethnic differences.' By analyzing demographic profiles and potential for political power, it is argued that variations in ethnic consciousness among Taiwan's four major ethnic groups reflect different degrees of ethnic political mobili7ation. It is also suggested that--given disparities in group size--regional differences in ethnic political consciousness are only found in the largest of the four groups, the Holos. Using data from a national survey conducted in 1999, the author found that a) members of the Waisheng group have the highest degree of ethnic political consciousness, just ahead of the Holos; b) only one of the four ethnic groups on Taiwan (the Holos) show significant regional differences in ethnic political consciousness; and c) these differences are the result of ethnic competition rather than ethnic contact.
起訖頁 11-74
關鍵詞 族群意識族群區分地區差異族群競爭族群接觸ethnic consciousnessethnic classificationregional differencesethnic competitionethnic contact
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200212 (4期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 邁向台灣族群關係的在地研究與理論:「族群與社會」專題導論
該期刊-下一篇 認同衝突和政治信任:現階段台灣族群政治的核心難題




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