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作者 鄭陸霖林鶴玲
Internet communication has been variously described as anonymous, de-centered, and placeless-terms that imply unprecedented potential for social movements in the information age. However; this technological potential is influenced by the specific conditions in which social movements are embedded. This study examines the dynamics of social movements as they are promoted and connected via hyperlinks among Internet websites. It is assumed that social movement homepages represent purposeful extensions of their organizations, and that the hyperlinks provided on these pages represent strategic attempts to disseminate ideas and to accumulate resources. It is argued that the three factors most responsible for determining the scale and structure of hyperlinks in social movement webs (SMW) are a) the legitimacy of individual social movements; b) the socio-economic status of the target audience, as measured by Internet access; and c) the effect of local-spatial agglomeration on movement mobilization. Finally, affiliation patterns and alliance structures among multiple SMWs are examined in terms of communication efficiency within the decentralized framework of the Internet.
起訖頁 55-96
關鍵詞 社會運動資訊社會網際網路網絡分析social movementinformation societyInternetnetwork analysis
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200112 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 虛擬互動空間設計中的權力及控制:一個MUD社會創設的經驗
該期刊-下一篇 台灣環境運動的開端:專家學者、黨外、草根(1980-1986)




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