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作者 林鶴玲
本研究將透過MUD介面所支撐的網路社區互動模式來探討社會科學的古典研究主題之一,權力,如何透過網路互動場域的設計與管理而運作,以及在這個新傳播科技所創造出來的互動場域中,社會秩序與規範如何透過系統設計的方式達成。本研究將以一個本土電腦網路連線多人互動遊戲MUD(Multiple User Dungeon)的創設過程為例,透過對這個MUD主要設計者的深度訪談,來分析蘊含在網路設計中的權力關係與權力運作、虛擬互動空間形塑過程中所流露的設計者的社會信念、價值、假設與需求,以及這些社會價值與刻板印象如何影響模擬真實遊戲作為一種社會教育媒介的潛力與限制。
Using a network community interaction model supported by MUD (Multiple-User Dungeon) interfaces, the author investigates a classic sociological issue-power-via the design and management of a network-based interactive playground. The creation of a MUD environment by Taiwanese designers for Taiwanese users was monitored in Older to identify the social values and control mechanisms embedded in the virtual community. This data is then used to discuss the strengths and limitations of virtual reality games as social education tools. The rationales for design decisions expressed by the game designers during personal interviews reveal their social older assumptions and attitudes toward regulations as expressed in the virtual community. These built-in assumptions establish invisible alignments for the social interactions that take place among game players.
起訖頁 1-53
關鍵詞 網路多人互動遊戲角色扮演遊戲模擬真實虛擬空間設計與權力MUDrole-playing gamescyberspacepower in technologydesign of virtual communitysimulation
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200112 (2期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 社運在網際網路上的展現:台灣社會運動網站的聯網分析




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