英文摘要 |
The mandala of five Dhyāni-Buddhas of Vajradhātu (金剛界五方佛): Vairocana ( 又作Mahāvairocana, 毘盧遮那佛或大日如來), Aksobhya (阿閦佛), Ratnasambhava (寶生佛), Amitābha (無量壽佛), Amoghasiddhi (不空成就佛) which is capable of transmuting a Buddhist practitioner’s worldly wisdom into Buddha-wisdom is essential in Buddhist learning system. In the illustration of their figures, their vows and different capabilities are conveyed by their varied hand gestures, seats as well as different colors of their bodies and clothing. The illustration of the mandala of five Dhyāni-Buddhas of Vajradhātu thus offers us not only a chance to obtain a certain degree of understanding their individual differences, but also a knowledge of the religious significance of the mandala. |