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The Influence on the Organization Climate and the Job Satisfaction in an Information Department by the Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning System
作者 吳瑞堯李坤清張達仁
After the implementation of an enterprise resource planning system, the organization climate of the information department and the job satisfaction of the staffs in an information technology department may change ultimately. The major objective of this study is to investigate the influence factors of the organizational climate and the personnel’s job satisfaction during the installation process of an ERP system. This study collects a large set of factors and factor items about ERP system installation situation, organization climate and job satisfaction from the results of the related studies. After a two-stage refinement process, a questionnaire is designed for the information technology staffs of top 1000 manufactures in the Taiwan area. After the inquiry of the questionnaire, it amounts to 83 respondents, deducting 9 invalid ones, remaining 74 effective questionnaires actually, in the rate of 7.4%. Analyzing by the methods of descriptive statistics, One-Way-ANOVA and Scheffe, several important facts are observed. ERP system implementation situations, such as the support of high level administrator, the support of ERP system supplier, the successful organization reconstruction and procedure improving, the functions of the ERP system meet the enterprise requirement, well cooperation between departments, leading to sizable influence with organization climates such as colleague relations, opening leadership, works tedious, and working pressure. Well behaviors for these implementation situations also improve the working satisfaction of the fulfillment, the promotion, the remuneration, the interpersonal relationships, and the working environment.
起訖頁 229-248
關鍵詞 企業資源規劃導入情境組織氣候工作滿意度資訊部門Enterprise Resource PlanningInstallation SituationOrganization ClimateJob SatisfactionInformation Department
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200806 (6:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 阻礙企業員工參與數位學習原因與激勵方式之研究




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