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An Architecture of Instant Messaging System for Promoting Performance of Business Process
作者 李震華
在變遷快速的外在競爭環境下,企業想要在市場上爭得一席之地,資訊科技佔有舉足輕重的地位,遂有企業e化或電子化企業(e-business)概念的出現。近年企業爭相建置如企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)系統、供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)系統、客戶關係管理(Customer Relation Management, CRM)系統乃至於知識管理(Knowledge Management, KM)系統,都是企圖將整個企業的運作模式轉化為所謂的電子化企業的型態,藉以提升企業經營的效益。其中即時傳訊(Instant Messaging, IM)技術的使用,更可以讓企業運作提升至即時企業(Real-time Enterprise)的層次。即時傳訊技術是網路通訊服務的一種應用,一種便捷的通訊技術。讓使用者透過電腦或無線裝置在網路上進行即時交談與資訊交換,以補傳統通訊形式的不足。本文提出一個結合企業資訊系統的即時傳訊平台架構,利用即時傳訊系統,提供企業員工間隨時可進行線上資訊交換,以加速企業運作流程。透過內嵌於企業資訊系統的方式,讓企業擔負與執行更多安全控管的機制。提供豐富、可延伸、易擴充的協同作業平台,讓企業內部員工能夠進行即時的協同作業,強化企業運作效率。接著對於企業進行此類系統建置時所需要考慮層面,提供開發的建議與原則。
Within all the new technologies, the usage of Instant Messaging is one of the most effective ways to achieve the level of Real-time Enterprise. Instance Messaging is an application of network communication, a convenient way to commute. It allows uses being able to transfer data and real-time commute through computer or wireless devices to cover the insufficient of traditional communication. This article presents architecture of e-business communication integrate with Instance Messaging which provides the employ a way to speed up the business process by exchanging data anytime through the Instance Messaging. The corporation will be able to handle and process more security managements through the information system embedded in the business process. It provides rich, expendable and extendable cooperation platform protocol which allows the employee within the corporation can working together at the real-time to strengthen the performance of the business operation. The advices and rules for developing the needed considerations levels when the corporation is establishing these kinds of systems are coming after.
起訖頁 307-324
關鍵詞 電子化企業即時傳訊即時企業e-businessInstant Messaging(IM)Real-time Enterprise
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200509 (3:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以訪談法探索線上遊戲消費者購買決策程序與轉換因素




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