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The Correlation between Self-efficacy,Intrinsic Value, Test Anxiety and Learning Achievement in Flipped Calculus
作者 陳姵蓉康以諾英家銘唐功培
本研究旨在探討大學微積分課程採用翻轉教室教學模式對學習者的學習經驗之影 響。以改編自Pintrich 與 De Groot (1990)學習動機與策略問卷(MSLQ:Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire)之動機信念自陳量表作為研究工具,以臺北市某大學藥學系1 年級學生共179 名學生為研究對象,分為實驗組(88 人)與控制組(90 人)兩組。以性 別及原先學習表現為共變項,學生之自我效能、內在價值及測試焦慮為依變項,經分析 後研究結果顯示:(1)不論是在實驗組或控制組,性別差異對微積分學習成就的影響力 未達顯著水準;(2)實驗組與控制組的後測學習成就表現有顯著差異;(3)實驗組的前 測及後測學習成績表現有顯著差異;(4)實驗組學生的自我效能後測分數愈高,在微積 分課程的學習成就分數進步愈多。
This study investigate the effect of the Flipped-Classroom Format on Calculus Learning Experience. Measure Instrument was the revised version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire which developed by Pintrich and De Groot. Sample of this study were 179 pharmacy students who were enrolled in calculus class in the fall semester 2015. The independent variables of this comparative study was the flipped classroom as instructional intervention (90 in control group; 88 in experimental group 88).The dependent variables were students’ perception of self-efficacy, intrinsic value, their test anxiety and learning achievement in the calculus class. The control variables were the gender and students’ initiated learning performance in calculus. Results indicate that students in experimental group did have significantly better learning achievements than students in control group. The learning achievement of the students in experimental group is significantly positive correlated with their perception of the calculus learning self-efficacy.
起訖頁 071-104
關鍵詞 微積分自我效能學習動機動機信念翻轉教室CalculusSelf- efficacyLearning MotivationMotivational BeliefFlipped Classroom
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201706 (38期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 初任校長從實踐經驗中開拓偏鄉教育之研究
該期刊-下一篇 日治時期嘉義家政女學校校園生活之研究




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