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感染控制雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Sterilization Quality Control - General Remarks on Chemical Indicators and Biological Indicators
作者 詹明宜石娟娟郭秀娥王俊仁蘇麗香邱月琴
In Taiwan (R.O.C.), sterilization-monitoring procedures have been implemented for a long time. However, literature on sterilization monitoring is very limited. In 1996, sterilization-monitoring procedures were first launched in the United States. Since then, the U.S. government, academia, and industry sector have developed various measures for enhancing communication between the involved bodies and establishing standard practices for sterilization and monitoring of sterilization procedures. Today, United States is an international leader in the quality of sterilization and sterilization management. In view of this, this paper describes the international sterilization standards. This will provide readers a broad perspective on the importance of stringent sterilization procedures. This paper also discusses in detail 5 chemical indicators and the Class 6 chemical indicator included in the latest version of international standards for monitoring of sterilization procedures. (ANSI/AAMI ST79:2006/A2: 2009). The paper also describes in details the design principles of measured for evaluating chemical indicators and technical reports. The section on biological indicators focus on the definition of biological indicators (ANSI/AAMI ST79: 2006/A2: 2009). The article also outlines the description of processes for the validation of sterilization procedures for eliminating bacteria and highlights bio-indicators of the strain analysis of the factory. Finally, the paper also provides recommendations for monitoring sterilization processes. This article is aimed at increasing awareness and clarifying basic concepts of sterilization-monitoring processes among technicians.
起訖頁 173-182
刊名 感染控制雜誌  
期數 201006 (20:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣感染管制學會
該期刊-上一篇 導尿管相關的菌尿和尿路感染
該期刊-下一篇 社區型Methicillin抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌感染




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