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A Study of Improving Students' English Proficiency through E-learning--An Example of a University of Technology in Taiwan
作者 李敏智施浚龍
Nowadays, because of the globalization of English, English language has become English as international language which is a requirement for college students' future career development. Non-English spoken countries view English as a second language instead of a foreign language. In order to enhance Taiwanese and our students' competition in the world, we have adopted practical foreign language teaching strategies based on the education model of goal-directed and ability index. The strategies incorporate teaching goals, curriculum design, teaching material design with emphasis on the application of English in daily life. Non-formal curriculum includes: Network Learning Platforms and consulting services for learning foreign languages. We set up Network Learning Platforms that these students are low on learning English achievement. Students can learn English on every time and at every where. The total of participating students is 769. The average score is 40.96. Then after the courses, the participating students' average score is 45.78. It means those participating students' progress average score is 4.82. So, we can understand that Network Learning Platform is good for students to improve their English proficiency.
起訖頁 71-100
關鍵詞 網路學習平台教學目標課程設計教材英文能力Network Learning Platformteaching objectivescurriculum designteaching materialsEnglish proficiency
刊名 東海大學圖書館館訊  
期數 201409 (156期)
出版單位 東海大學圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 謝靈運集從輯錄到校注的歷程發展
該期刊-下一篇 《二十五史藝文經籍志考補萃編》述評




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