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Discovering the Metaphysical World of 'Killing-Husband' According to the Novel The Butcher's Wife and 'A Jury Of Her Peer'
作者 唐毓麗
本文運用喬治˙萊科夫(Gorge Lakoff)和馬克˙約翰生(Mark Johnson)著作 Metaphors We Live by《我們賴以維生的隱喻》中「Metaphors」隱喻的三個範疇,重新延伸詮釋李昂(1952-)《殺夫》與美國作家蘇珊˙葛雷斯珮爾(Susan Glaspell, 1882-1948)“ A Jury of Her Peers”(女陪審團〉兩篇女性殺夫小說,發現小說中不論是鹿城/陳宅或狄克生郡/萊特家的容器隱喻,都揭露了家庭原是男性暴力橫行的場域。小說中的方位隱喻挾帶著性能力、經濟力、權勢的昭示意圖,這是男性本體經驗主宰權力以及性別政治裡男性霸權文化的歷史基礎。女性殺夫小說除有尖銳的社會批判意義外,手刃親夫的驚駭行動,積極呈現女性對第二性處境的覺醒,但也消極地指明兩性衝突不得不以「殺人」方式終結的困局。在層層疊疊方位隱喻(orientational metaphor)、本體隱喻(ontological metaphor)與結構隱喻(structural metaphor)呼應與串連的架構下,一再直指父權體制下「婚姻是女人的災難」的警世隱喻。「女性小說」展現女性「身體、主體、文本」三位一體的書寫文本,探索「殺夫」小說的隱喻世界,正可作為一個簡要切入點,追索男性文化「宰制權力」的禍首根源,對「父權」、「男尊女卑」意識型態的解碼應具特殊的意義。
Using three metaphor scopes (orientational, ontological and structural) from Gorge Lakoff and Mark Johnson's Metaphors We Live By, this article examines Li Ang's The Butcher's Wife(李昂,《殺夫》) and American novelist Susan Glaspell's 'A Jury of Here Peers,' and draws a conclusion that home is a field where man's violence prevails. The orientational metaphor contains a man's sexual ability, economic ability and power, which form a historical basis of male hegemony that has come to dominate in power and gender politics. The fictional work with killing-husband theme not only criticizes society acutely, but also awakens female readers through a presentation of the heroine's shocking behavior of killing husband. However, the theme of 'killing-husband' also implies the invalidity of ending family conflicts by 'killing.' By using orientational, ontological and structural metaphors, this article focuses on the metaphor 'marriage is female's disaster under the patriarchy system.' Novels by female writers show a context of combining 'body, ontology and text.'This paper uses the metaphorical world of killing husband as a point of departure and goes on to discusses the source of Chinese and Western male culture of 'dominating power.' This line of investigation will be significant for the analysis and deconstruction of the ideology of 'patriarchy' and 'man dominating woman.'
起訖頁 269-306
關鍵詞 李昂蘇珊˙葛雷斯珮爾殺夫女陪審團殺夫小說隱喻喬治˙萊科夫馬克˙約翰生Li AngSusan GlaspellThe Butcher's Wife'A Jury of Her Peers'killing-husband novelGorge LakoffMark Johnson
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200307 (15期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 呂碧城之自我放逐與歐美遊蹤──以《曉珠詞》為中心考察
該期刊-下一篇 論散文創作和報導寫作的區隔──比較余秋雨〈我拒絕說它美麗〉與William Dalrymple〈恆河之源──濕婆髮、聖河源〉




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