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儒道兩家對墨家思想之去取 --墨家衰亡在思想史上的一種解釋
A Point of View on the Fading of Mohist School in the Chinese Warring period
作者 劉榮賢
This article focuses on the issue of the two main thoughts of Mohist School (墨家)-“All-loving"(兼愛)and “Virtue-respect"(尚賢), which were respectively adopted by Daoist School(道家)and Confucian School (儒家) in the Chinese Warring period. It is found that Daoist School criticized “Virtue-respect"but not “All-loving"and, on the contrary, Confucian School criticized only “ All-loving " but not “ Virtue-respect " . This observation provides an understanding about the fact that the Daoists accepted the thought of “All-loving", and the Confucianists accepted the thought of “Virtue-respect". It is also noticed that the thoughts of both Schools respectively expanded the scopes of these two Mohist-School-originated thoughts. At the end, this article also presents a proposition that the thought of“All-loving"was transferred into the idea of the universe concerns in the Daoists, while the thought of “Virtue-respect"was adopted later by the Confucianists in the empires of Qin (秦)and Han(漢)dynasties to establish rational bureaucracy systems of their governments.
起訖頁 145-163
關鍵詞 儒家道家墨家兼愛尚賢自然與理性ConfucianismDaoismMohistAll-lovingVirture-respect
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201512 (30期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 陽明學「身」字考:心學關鍵詞之探究
該期刊-下一篇 《莊子.齊物論》哲學義蘊新詮 --「結構存有論」取向之探究




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