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The Morphology of 揭Jie(<*giat) as Reflected in Classics and Southern Min Dialect
作者 楊秀芳
本文根據《經典釋文》的音義資料,結合古籍和方言語料,利用形態構詞的觀念,解釋祭部字「揭」的幾種音義關係,並解答聚訟紛紜的方言本字問題。《經典釋文》所收音義有四大類:一為群母入聲自動詞的「上舉」義;二為群母入聲他動詞「舉抬擔負」義;三為見母入聲他動詞「將物向上舉出」義;四為溪母去聲他動詞「褰衣」義。第一類的使動用法,帶來濁母的清化,形成第三類的見母他動詞用法。第二類他動詞為與第一類自動詞在語音上做出區隔,利用四聲別義之法改讀為元部群母平聲,漢代寫作「揵」,更晚則作「掮」。第四類來自溪母字「攐」,是為與「深則厲」押韻而改讀改寫的結果。閩南語反映古籍的這些音義,於今仍保有第一類(讀 kia/8/gia/8)、第三類(讀 kia/4/gia/4)、及第二類(讀 kia5/gia5)的各種用法。現代漢語共同語則保有第三類及第二類用法。
This article investigates the morphology of 揭 Jie (<*giat) by using evidences drawing from the classics and Southern Min dialect. The cognates and the etymological origins of the word family of 揭 Jie are also explored. Four forms of 揭 Jie could be attested in classical documents: (1) intransitive verb *giat; (2) transitive verb *giat; (3) transitive verb *kiat; and (4) transitive verb *khiad.This article suggests that the *kiat of form (3) was derived from *giat of form (1) by the process of devoicing. This is the usual way to produce a transitive verb from a causativized intransitive one with voiced initial. The *khiad of form (4) is a modified form of 攐 Qian (<*khian) for the purpose of rhyming. On the other hand, in order to make distinction from the *giat of form (1), the *giat of form (2) became *gian through the derivation of the “Si-sheng Bie-yi” (四聲別義). The new form was written as 「揵」in Han Dynasty, and later as「掮」in Ming Dynasty.This article also points out that the morphological alternations stated above exist in the modern dialects. For example, in the Southern Min dialect the distinctions among the forms (1), (2), and (3) are preserved very well, and in Mandarin Chinese, the usage of form (2) still remains, in addition to form (3).
起訖頁 203-225
關鍵詞 形態變化詞族同源詞層次研究Morphological alternationWord familyCognateStrata research
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201412 (28期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《新集藏經音義隨函錄》類化字釋例
該期刊-下一篇 新羅慧超《往五天竺國傳》語言研究擧隅




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