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I Write While I Am on the Road-Self Reflection and the Dialectic of Writing in Jade Y. Chen's Diary-style Prose and Novels
作者 李欣倫
A writer with multiple identities, Jade Y. Chen writes prose and novels that constantly represent a lone person who travels most of the time. The scenes on the raod are no mere depictions of landscapes or happenings but reflections of Jade Y. Chen's inner self. In Have You Ever Been in Love? and Blue Lights in Freistaat Bayern, space is often the space of waiting, and time personal and dream-like, both of which enhance the tendency of self reflection in these diary-style pieces. In the case of Chen, to be on the road is to get away from home. The feeling of being homeless is at the same time that of being home everywhere, a paradox originating in her alienated relationship with parents. The two books mentioned above, together with another book, Mazu's Bodyguards, are suffused with a sense of indifference and yearning for love. By way of writing on her family, Jade Y. Chen nevertheless finds things positive in past traumas and in her constant self-gazing. Writing thus implies a rebirth for Chen, and, for that, this article finally turns to her yet another book, The Stalker, to explore Chen's concept and strategy of writing, specifically in her uses of the images of labyrinths and puzzles. In all, the article provides an intertextual study of Jade Y. Chen's four books to represent the complex relation between her self-gazing and her dialectic of writing.
起訖頁 219-240
關鍵詞 陳玉慧日記體散文《海神家族》《書迷》寫作Jade Y. Chendiary-style proseMazu's BodyguardsThe Stalkerwriting
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201606 (27期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 後現代之外:九○年代台灣散文現象析論
該期刊-下一篇 從景觀符號、民俗儀典到資訊媒介:作為「生產地方性」的新鄉土小說書寫現象




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