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Tradition and Individual Interpretations: Studies of The Book of Songs by Yao Jiheng, Cui Shu, and Fang Yurun
作者 黃忠慎
Yao Jiheng, Cui Shu, and Fang Yurun are three important scholars on The Book of Songs in the Qing dynasty. Their separate studies of The Book of Songs are characteristic of detached, inquisitive, and independent attitudes. Yao, Cui, and Fang lived in the early, mid- and late Qing dynasty, respectively, all standing away from the main stream study of the classics. They scarcely followed the thoughts of their contemporary scholars, but rather, intentionally or not, debased them. Together, they differed conspicuously from other scholars in their research orientations and methods.Their studies of The Book of Songs were so special that none of them could be attributed easily to any specific scholarly schools. Their scholarships could be categorized as neither the Han-style, the Song-style, the exegetic style, nor any system in “the modern texts of the classics.” Their scholarships did not earn much attention until 1910s, the early period of the Republican era, but have since invited serious studies.This article discusses the methods Yao, Cui, and Fang each used in their studies of The Book of Songs, their individual attitudes toward its hermeneutic tradition, the ways in which they each turned away from traditional interpretations, and modern scholars' commentaries on their work. The purposes of this article are to expand the scholarly scope of this particular classics and to confirm the importance of the scholarships established by the three scholars in the hermeneutic history of The Book of Songs.
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 姚際恆崔述方玉潤傳統《詩經》漢學Yao JihengCui ShuFang Yuruntraditionthe Book of Songs
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200907 (21期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 甲文「往」字構形及其句例探論
該期刊-下一篇 元代《四書》學的繼承與開創--以元儒許謙為例




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