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Reading Female/ Female Reading: The Construct of Women in Shen Shanbao's Mingyuan shihua
作者 鍾慧玲
Mingyuan shihua (Remarks on Poetry by Notable Women) by Shen Shanbao, women poet and writer of the Qing dynasty, is the most complete shihua by women poets of the Qing dynasty. Following the lead of the concept of ‘Female Reading,’ this paper indicates that Shen Shanbao's personal reading experiences are consistent with her gender identity as well as her life experience, which underpins Shen's Female Formation. The study claims that Mingyuan shihua establishes a female literary field, which brings women writers into recognizable lineages of writing, and demonstrates their writing power. It then explores Shen's shihua in terms of the followings: the shared fate and life situation of women , the portraits of women with special moral and intellectual capacities, and the paragons of women who obey teachings of female virtues and propagate female education. Shen Shanbao fully appreciates women writer's work, thereby constructing an ideal image of women who are equipped with talent, knowledge and virtue. She establishes for women of the Qing dynasty a literary system of their own, and displays the features of women in the process of their transformations.
起訖頁 217-251
關鍵詞 沈善寶《名媛詩話》清代女作家女性閱讀女性建構Shen ShanbaoMingyuan shihuaQing DynastyWomen WriterFemale Reading Female Formation
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200807 (20期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 清代女性課子書舉要
該期刊-下一篇 現代化之下的褪色鄉土--女作家歌仔戲書寫中的時空語境




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