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On the Translations By the Critical Review (Xue Heng) School
作者 周淑媚謝金榮
20 世紀初是中西文化交流的重要時期,其間所譯介的大量有關西方的書 籍是中西文化交流的主要載體。較之近代翻譯文學,五四時期的翻譯文學有 更多的文學自覺;同時這一時期,對於各種體裁與多樣風格的譯介方面,亦 呈現出自覺的意識。在五四那個思想、文化大變動的時代,本應該有多種文 化選擇的可能。故而在基本肯定新文化主流歷史選擇的同時,亦不能簡單否 定學衡派翻譯的價值。本文試圖找出五四時期學衡派翻譯文化在特定時空的翻譯規範,從而解釋或推測學衡派翻譯活動的行為模 式或發展規律。
The beginning of the twentieth-century is an important peiod for Sino-Western cultural exchange. During this period, innumerable translations of Western books are the main carriers of Western culture. In comparison with contemporary creative works, the literary translations of the May-Fourth period exhibit more literary self-awareness, explicitly showing in the selection among various genres and styles for translation. As a drastic period always abounds in all kinds of thoughts and provides multiple cultural choices. Therefore, even though New Culture was privileged as the mainstream, the value of translations done by Critical Review members does not necessarily have to be denied completely. This article will attempt to look into the norms used by the Critical Review in their translation and will evaluate their activities in translation.
起訖頁 47-77
關鍵詞 學衡派描述翻譯多元系統The Critical Review (Xueheng)descriptive translationpolysystem theory
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200607 (18期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 談《齊》風何必刺魯君
該期刊-下一篇 孫克寬先生行誼考述




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