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NCL International Exchange Events(Vol.40 No.3)
April 15: Caryn Crump leads a five-person group study exchange visit from Rotary International District 7850 (Canada and Eastern United States) to the NCL, accompanied by 40 other people, including Rotary Southern Banqiao District President Chang Yifeng. May 18: Dr. Richard W. Meyer, retired head librarian at the Georgia Institute of Technology Library, presents a lecture on 'The Convergence Transformation of Library.' May 26: Michael Meng of the University of Washington participates in a 'Library East-West Exchange Forum' about the Chinese Collection of the East Asia Library at the U.W and the results of the NCL's digitization work. June 12: A group of 28 mainland Chinese specialists visits the NCL, including Nanjing University Library Vice Director and Department of Information Management professor Bo Shao, Tsinghua University Library Vice Director Yang Yi, and Northeast Normal University Library Vice Director Liu Fangguo.
起訖頁 9-10
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200908 (40:3期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Events(Vol.40 No.3)
該期刊-下一篇 Chinese Studies Symposium(Vol.40 No.3)




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