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Mobile Library Gets Books to Earthquake Areas
作者 Min Sheng Pao (Min Sheng Pao)
On September 21, Taiwan was rocked by a devastating earthquake that destroyed many of the libraries in disaster areas. To ensure that the children in these regions have books to read, the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), Min Sheng Pao, Tai Chi Tien Foundation for Culture and Education, VISA International, the Evergreen Group, and Youth Development Foundation (YDF) joined hands to organize a 'Mobile Library.' Some 40,000 books hit the road in mid-December when the campaign kicked off. In preparation for the program, the CCA went to earthquake areas to determine which school libraries had been destroyed and could thus benefit from the Mobile Library. The main sponsor of the program, the Min Sheng Pao, then drafted a plan for collecting books and getting them to students in need. Evergreen provided five modified shipping containers to serve as the mobile libraries, and the YDF drummed up volunteers. The program was funded by the Tai Chi Chien Foundation and VISA, which donated NT$2 million and NT$1 million, respectively. Many of the donated books came from local publishers.
起訖頁 1-1
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200002 (31:4期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Kaohsiung County Libraries Launch Online Services
該期刊-下一篇 Wang Kuan-ying Memorial Library Opens




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