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Grammatical Analysis of Textual Variations between “Father and Mother of the People,” “Confucius at Home at Leisure,” and “On Rites”: With an Additional Comment on the Compilation of Kongzi Jia Yu
作者 巫雪如
This thesis analyzes from a grammatical viewpoint textual variations between “Min zhi fu mu” (民之父母 Father and Mother of the People), a bamboo manuscript held in the Shanghai Museum, “Kongzi xian ju” (孔子閒居 Confucius at Home at Leisure), a document in the Li ji (禮記 The Book of Rites), and “Lun li” (論禮 On Rites) a document in the Kongzi jia yu (孔子家語 The Sayings of Confucius’ School), and investigates the problems of the compilation and spread of the texts. The specific variations analyzed in this thesis include the sentence-final particle yi (矣), and two sentences which appear only in the Kongzi jia yu but not in other documents. These two sentences are “詩禮相成” (“The mutual accomplishment of poetry and rites”) and “行之充於四海” (“To make it widespread all around the world”). The conclusion is that both “Min zhi fu mu” and “Kongzi xian ju” are pre-Qin documents, though they were slightly revised by the transcribers to make them more easily understood by the readers of their time. Yet “Lun li” contains content which conflicts with pre-Qin Chinese grammar, especially the parts that appear only in Kongzi jia yu. Kongzi jia yu has been re-evaluated in the light of new documents unearthed in recent years; however, from a grammatical viewpoint, despite the possibility that Kongzi jia yu was compiled from some reliable sources, the current text did not reach a truly stable form until the Six Dynasties, and by then, having been through the process of editing, revision and supplementation, already differed from the pre-Qin original.
起訖頁 319-349
關鍵詞 民之父母孔子閒居孔子家語異文成書Min zhi fu muKongzi xian juKongzi jia yutextual variationsprocess of compilation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201012 (28:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 跨文化民俗書寫的角色變化--佐倉孫三《閩風雜記》與《臺風雜記》的比較
該期刊-下一篇 書評--《宋朝制置使制度研究》




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