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On the Transmission and Development of the Duqu Theory in the Qing Dynasty from the Viewpoint of Phonology
作者 李惠綿
This paper will analyze the achievements of the Duqu 度曲 theory in the works of four phonologists that specialized in Chinese traditional opera. The achievements of the Duqu theory and phonology in the Qing dynasty are presented based on the following seven aspects, namely, (1) si sheng 四聲 and Duqu (four tones, with discussion centering primarily on the ru sheng), (2) shou yun 收韻 (ending rhyme), (3) bi kou 閉口 (closing mouth), (4) bi yin 鼻音 (nasal), (5) jian tuan yin 尖團音 (dentalveolars and palatals), (6) wuyin sihu guiyun 五音四呼歸韻 (five phonemes, four groups of vowels, returning rhyme), and (7) the phenomena of nanfang yuyin hua 南方語音化 (sounding Southerned, by using Wu language to sing the traditional Northern opera) of Northern Chinese traditional opera. Phonology influenced the development and transmission of the Duqu theory during the Qing dynasty in three main ways: (1) the influence of phonological elucidation on Duqu; (2) the use of phonology to construct the techniques of transmitting sounds; and (3) the use of phonology to initiate the rules of dialogues. These three dimensions reflect the historical development from early Qing to the Jiaqing and Daoguang periods, a total of 150 years, and the different achievements resulting from the fact that phonology was integrated into the Duqu theory. Qing phonologists developed the Duqu theory by building on the achievements of their predecessors: Li Yu 李漁 built on Wang Jide’s 王驥德 studies; Mao Xianshu 毛先舒 made much progress in his research on Nanqu rusheng 南曲入聲; Xu Dazhuang 徐大椿 learned his opera techniques from Shen Chongsui沈寵綏, and went on to create his own special oral shapes for expressing abstract sounds through the application of phonological physiology. Huang Panchuo 黃旛綽 generalized concise dialogue rules by borrowing from biological phonology and offered practical principles for performing, singing, and speaking.
起訖頁 185-218
關鍵詞 音韻學度曲論李漁毛先舒徐大椿黃旛綽phonologythe theory of DuquLi YuMao XianshuXu DazhuangHuang Panchuo
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200806 (26:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 清代梨園花譜流行狀況考略
該期刊-下一篇 愛情如死之堅強--試論周瘦鵑早期翻譯哀情小說的美感特質與文化意涵




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