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On the Creative Interpretations Within the Yijing in Terms of Words and Their Influences in the Commentaries
作者 鄭吉雄
This paper summarizes twenty-two examples of the gua yao ci 卦爻辭(divination records of hexagrams and lines) to prove the model of creative interpretation within the gua yao ci which appeared as various degrees of interpretation connected by a single word, usually the name of one hexagram. Through clarifying this model, we can clearly explain the model of the interpretations of the Yizhuan 易傳 (Commentaries of the Yijing 易經 ) as originated from the structure of the gua yao ci. In the case of gua yao ci, although the new meanings within different divination records were usually limited to the verbal meaning of the name of the hexagram, the authors of the commentaries extended this method to construct their own philosophical system in which these verbal meanings were more broadly developed into new philosophical issues. In the past century, scholars predominantly followed the doctrine of playing down the relationship between the Yijing (mainly the gua yao ci) and the Yizhuan. Once the similarities of the interpretations of the Yijing and the Yizhuan have been clarified, we should re-evaluate the importance of the Yizhuan in interpreting the Yijing, and accept the fact that the philosophy of the Yizhuan originated from the Yijing, at least in part.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 卦爻辭經學經典詮釋易經易傳gua yao ci卦爻辭ConfucianChinese hermeneuticsBook of Changes易經Yizhuan易傳
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 春秋戰國時期爲君父復讎所涉之忠孝議題及相關經義探究




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