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Exploring Loyalty and Filial Piety in Regard to Revenge for the Monarch and Father During the Spring & Autumn and Warring States Periods
作者 林素娟
春秋戰國時期復讎風氣頗為盛行,所涉層面很廣,倫理的報與交換、公與私的衝突、對死靈的慰藉、君臣的關係、忠孝的矛盾與取捨等,均為其重要議題。本文由復讎在君臣、父子關係間所彰顯的忠孝觀及倫理矛盾著眼,章節内容安排如下:一、從《春秋》經傳有關弒君書法所衍生的爭議著手,並對三傳引起重大爭議的稱國、稱某國人弒君以懲君惡之説進行深入探討。二、説明懲戒惡君之説,符合於春秋戰國時期特殊的政治環境及當時士人對君臣關係的思考。三、由禮書、出土文獻探討先秦儒家倫理觀中忠與孝、公與私、父與君孰輕孰重, 以及面臨忠孝、公私衝突時,當事者該如何取捨等問題。四、於具體復讎事例中,觀察實際面臨忠孝衝突時,當事人之矛盾與擇取,及難以避免的悲劇性。
The phenomena of revenge thrived during the Spring & Autumn period, and involved numerous related problems. For example, bao 報 and exchange of ethics, conflict between public and private, consolation to the spirit of the dead, the relationship between the monarch and courtiers, and contradictions between loyalty and filial piety. This paper will discuss these issues from several aspects: 1. Comments by historical figures regarding the assassination of monarchs in the Chunqiu 春秋 (Spring & Autumn Annals), and the three commentaries on the Chunqiu 春秋三傳. 2. Expositions of punishments to the tyrant during the Spring & Autumn and Warring States periods. 3. Discussion about the selection between loyalty/filial piety, and monarch/father in the pre-Qin era. 4. Observation of the contradiction and tragedy which encountered the conflict of loyalty and filial piety in actual cases of revenge during the Spring & Autumn and Warring States periods.
起訖頁 35-70
關鍵詞 忠孝君臣復讎春秋戰國公與私loyalty/filial pietymonarch/courtierrevengeChunqiu 春秋public/ private
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 從卦爻辭字義的演繹論《易傳》對《易經》的詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 廬山慧遠的兩個面向--從〈廬山略記〉與〈遊石門詩序〉談起




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