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“Starting point” in Qing Dynasty Scholarship
作者 李紀祥
This paper focuses on discussing the significance of the term “starting point” as revealed in the books of the narrative history tradition of Qing period scholarship. Firstly it explores Jiang Fan’s 江藩 first record Guochao hanxue shicheng ji 國朝漢學師承記, its influence on Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 and Liang Qichao’s 梁啟超 essay “Qing Confucians 清儒” and the history of Qing scholarship, and also the modern significance of Zhang and Liang’s views on history. Secondly it examines Xu Shichang’s 徐世昌 The Lives and Thought of Qing Confucians 清儒學案, and the “first chapter problem” found with edited and re-edited editions since then. Thirdly it notes that all scholarly genres must be absorbed into the official history of a period in order to become part of a remembered history that can be passed down into the future. The “Biographies of Confucian Scholars 儒林傳” genre fulfils this task in Qing dynastic history, from Guo Shi 國史 to Qing Shigao 清史稿, and finally to the official dynastic history. Regardless of the edition, in the end it is the discussion of style and scope that history writers must study carefully. The significance of “starting points” in the biographies of Confucian scholars in official dynastic history are therefore also aspects central to this research.
起訖頁 283-316
關鍵詞 清代學術漢學宋學江藩清儒學案清史儒林傳Qing dynasty scholarshipHan LearningSong LearningJiang FanThe Lives and Thought of Qing Confuciansbiographies of Confucian scholars in Qing history
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200909 (27:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 乾嘉漢學視野中的杜注
該期刊-下一篇 高羅佩與「物質文化」--從「新文化史」視野之比較研究




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