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The Investment of Gods in the Southern Kingdoms during the Five Dynasties Period
作者 楊俊峰
This article discusses the movement that arose in the Southern Kingdoms during the Five Dynasties to confer noble titles and official ranks upon gods. There is past research to suggest that this practice of god investment began to surge in popularity after the middle of the Northern Song. I will show that the Southern Kingdoms, being both regions and nations in character, were not only focused on governing their territory, but also had the power to confer rank and title, and that this situation was the main impetus for expanding the scope of god investiture. From the time of the independent establishment of the Southern Kingdoms onwards, when creating new “identities of domination,” rulers attempted to harness the popular belief in sacrificing to gods by conferring upon them noble titles and official ranks, invoking their influential power in order to accumulate prestige for rule. In contrast to the empire in the North’s relative disinterest in god investment, these kings diligently used the practice to enhance the prestige and fame of the gods within their area of control, thus creating the phenomenon of “southern popularity and northern indifference” to god investment at the time.
起訖頁 327-362
關鍵詞 封神運動南方化地方王國五代十國宋代god investment movementsouthernizationregional kingdomsFive Dynasties and Ten KingdomsSong dynasty
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201006 (28:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 王昌齡的「身境」論--《詩格》析義
該期刊-下一篇 「文體」與「國體」--日本文學在日治時期臺灣漢語文言小說中的跨界行旅、文化翻譯與書寫錯置




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