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A List of Forgeries from the Oracle Bone Collection
作者 蔡哲茂
Thirteen oracle bones included in the Jiaguwen Heji 甲骨文合集 (Oracle Bone Collection) are shown to be probable fakes, namely: 1. Heji 6882 shows clear photographic evidence of being forged, from its reproduction in Treasures of the Museum of History - Northeast University, A Centennial Catalogue. 2. Heji 27110 is copied from Heji 27111. 3. Heji 15544 is copied from Heji 15543. 4. Heji 15822 is copied from Heji 15821. 5. Heji 27199 can be shown to be an early fake from its strokes. 6. Heji 35311 can be shown to be a fake from its style of carving. 7-8. Heji 41606 and Heji 30045 are copied from Heji 30831. 9. Heji 10372 is incoherent, both in its usage and the form of the characters. 10. Heji 32538 is incoherent in both the form and disposition of the carved characters. 11. Heji 35273 is dubious because it has two characters in common with Jing 京 3922, which is a known forgery. 12. Heji 29656 is a counterfeit of Heji 29996. 13. Heji 35312 is a counterfeit of Heji 35314.
起訖頁 417-441
關鍵詞 甲骨文辨偽甲骨文合集卜辭古文字oracle bonesfakesJiaguwen Hejioracle inscriptionsclassical characters
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚清臺灣清賦事業的再考察──「減四留六」的決策過程與意義
該期刊-下一篇 遼代漢人墓葬研究




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