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A Study on the Tombs of the Han People During the Liao Dynasty
作者 劉未
In this paper, the author discusses the cultural connotation of the tombs of the Han people in Liao Dynasty by dividing the complex cultural inclination of the Han people during this period into various groups. First of all, I will concentrate on the tombs of Han Zhigu 韓知古family in connection with other major families to analyze the tombs of the Han officials who surrendered to the Liao. Secondly, the author will analyze the wall-painting tombs of the Han people, located to the north of the Great Wall, by focusing on the cases in the Wu'an 武安and Jiangsheng 降聖regions in connection with the cases in the Upper and Middle capitals. Thirdly, the author will analyze the wall-painting tombs of the Han people, which are located to the south of the Great Wall, by focusing on the cases in the Guihua 歸化and Fengsheng 奉聖regions in connection with the cases in the Western and Southern capitals. Based on this research, and compared with the contemporary tombs during the Song Dynasty in the northern part of the Central Plains, the author will, on the one hand, discuss how the Han people, under the Khitan's control, self-adjusted the traditional burial forms, and furthermore, how the diversity of the adjustment is due to the difference of social status and region. On the other hand, the author will also explore the relationship between the transformations of the tombs of the Han people and the transition of the social system of Liao. Based upon the aforementioned study, the author hopes to comprehensively identify the historical evolution of the tombs of the Han people during Liao Dynasty.
起訖頁 443-482
關鍵詞 遼代漢人墓葬長城契丹Liao dynastyHan peopletombGreat WallKhitan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《甲骨文合集》辨偽舉例
該期刊-下一篇 書評--《中國曆法與數學》




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