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“The Meaning of the Emperor” : On Protestant Missionaries’ Publishing and Understanding of the Sacred Edict in 19th Century China
作者 廖振旺
The historiography of Protestant missionaries in China during the 19th century is a realm that has been more or less neglected to present. The purpose of this article is to examine research on the publishing of sinological works by Protestant missionaries in China during the late Qing, especially that of the Sacred Edict. The Sacred Edict was issued by Qing Dynasty rulers and was widely circulated among officials. Protestant missionaries that came to China to preach the gospel in the 19th century attached great importance to the Sacred Edict and its vernacular edition. They translated and published several related publications. The purpose of this article is three-fold: first, to analyze the purpose of the missionaries publishing the Sacred Edict and to comprehend their reading and understanding of it; second, to discuss the ceremony associated with their preaching of the Sacred Edict that was performed regularly throughout the empire; and third, to give an account of how the Protestant missionaries translated and explained the meaning of “Teen-choo” 天主 in the Sacred Edict.
起訖頁 225-262
關鍵詞 基督新教傳教士聖諭廣訓聖諭宣講晚清出版ProtestantmissionariesSacred Edictpreaching of Sacred Edictlate Qingpublish
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200809 (26:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 西方基督神學對東林人士熊明遇的衝激及其反應
該期刊-下一篇 清詩紀事成猶未,誰識兵塵在眼前--陳融《清詩紀事》初探




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